Monday, June 22, 2009

Subway Cutter Redeemed

Spotted: Borough Hall subway station & Bronx-bound 4 train, Saturday 9:30 a.m.

Young woman rushes in front of the only two other people standing at the door to the subway car (an old couple) and takes the last seat on the train. Five stops later, our standing old couple has left the train and an old woman carrying a large bouquet of flowers enters. It's immediately clear that she is having trouble standing and would greatly benefit from a seat.

In a moment of karmic redemption, our young subway cutter politely catches the woman's attention and offers up her seat, which the woman accepts. Karma has a way of thanking those who do good unto others: the very next stop, a seat opens up and our new heroine has received her cosmic reward.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"My Mother Never Taught Me How to Hold a Purse" Woman

Spotted: Corner of Court St. & Joralemon St. (Entrance to Borough Hall subway station) @ 11:40am.

Standing under scaffolding next to sidewalk vendor, woman talking to a guy holds her purse out and across the sidewalk, effectively blocking the entire sidewalk.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Umbrella Pointer Guy

Spotted: Broadway & Spring @ 6:30 p.m.

In a crowd of people crossing Spring St., guy in black raincoat w/ matching umbrella feels the urge to point out something across the street to his partner. Uses his metal-tipped umbrella to reach across his body, leaving his empty left hand free to hang limply at his side.

Stairclimber E-mailer

Spotted: Spring St. R exit @ 5:15pm.

In middle of a crowd climbing stairs in the narrow exit from the subway, pulls out iPhone and begins scrolling through e-mails. Walks much more slowly going up the stairs than she thinks she does.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Spilt Beer Screamer

Spotted: Yankee Stadium Section 224

StubHub-ticketed Mets fan during Subway Series, endlessly shouting and repeating each of the 15 words in his vocabulary. Upon returning from a beer run, spills the contents of three beers onto the woman in the seat in front of him. Pulls out the "who me" look, hands out the half-empty cups to his buddies, and then resumes shouting into the ear of said woman.